20 November 2024-31 January 2025
lorenzelli arte, Milan, Italy
On the Matter
Curated by Ilaria Bignotti
16 May-22 June 2024
IAGA Contemporary Art, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Francesco Arecco. Proximity
Curated by Ilaria Bignotti
16 May-30 June 2024
Ruaconfettora – Design Shop + Micro Art Gallery, Brescia, Italy
Telegramma urgente. Appunti visivi dalla Bonomi Art Collection. Opere da Bruno Munari a François Morellet, da Enrico Castellani a Salvador Presta.
Curated by Ilaria Bignotti
21 March-20 April 2024
IAGA Contemporary Art, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Antonio Milano. Epifanie
Curated by Ilaria Bignotti
21 September-14 October 2023
IAGA Contemporary Art, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Marcello Grassi. Les Contes du Regard – Tales of the Eyes
Curated by Ilaria Bignotti
22 June-29 July 2023
IAGA Contemporary Art, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Marcello De Angelis. Ask the skin
Curated by Ilaria Bignotti
9 May-30 June 2023
Federico Rui Arte Contemporanea, Milan, Italy
Curated by Ilaria Bignotti
22 April-3 June 2023
Zamagni Galleria d’Arte, Rimini, Italy
Stefano Ronci. Confini
Curated by Ilaria Bignotti
26 January-15 April 2023
Cardi Gallery, Milan, Italy
Curated by Ilaria Bignotti
10 December 2022-20 February 2023
Galleria d’Arte L’Incontro, Chiari, Italy
Scenari dell’Arte Povera
Text by Ilaria Bignotti
16 June-9 September 2022
The Address Gallery, Brescia, Italy
Manuel Gardina. ENSEMBLE
Curated by Ilaria Bignotti
27 May-10 September 2022
Eduardo Secci Gallery, Florence, Italy
Maurizio Donzelli. The Three Gems
Curated by Ilaria Bignotti
5 May-5 June 2022
IAGA Contemporary Art, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Albano Morandi. Hidden on surface
Curated by Ilaria Bignotti in collaboration with Camilla Remondina
17 March-7 May 2022
Tornabuoni Art, Paris, France
Vincenzo Agnetti e Paolo Scheggi, Il Tempio. La Nascita dell’Eidos
Curated by Archivio Vincenzo Agnetti, Associazione Archivio Paolo Scheggi, Ilaria Bignotti and Bruno Corà
23 September-6 November 2021
IAGA Contemporary Art, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Pawel Wasowski. Temples of This Time
Curated by Ilaria Bignotti and Vera Canevazzi
4 September-13 November 2021
Marignana Arte, Venice, Italy
La memoria è un essere capriccioso e bizzarro, paragonabile a una giovane ragazza, Silvia Infranco, Sophie Ko, João Louro, Giulio Malinverni, Lorenzo Passi, Maurizio Pellegrin, Quayola, Verónica Vázquez
Curated by Ilaria Bignotti and Jonathan Molinari
22 October-22 December 2020
Tornabuoni Art, Paris, France
ITALIA MINIMAL. Vincenzo Agnetti, Agostino Bonalumi, Alberto Burri, Enrico Castellani, Mario Ceroli, Gianni Colombo, Dadamaino, Lucio Fontana, Jannis Kounellis, Sergio Lombardo, Piero Manzoni, Paolo Scheggi, Giuseppe Uncini.
16 June-30 September 2020
Cortesi Gallery, Lugano, Switzerland
Maurizio Donzelli. THRESHOLDS
12 February-8 March 2020
IAGA Contemporary Art, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Amalia Crisan. Amprenta Memoriei
18 October-27 November 2019
L’Ariete Arte Contemporanea, Bologna, Italy
19 September-30 November 2019
IAGA Contemporary Art, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
14 September-14 November 2019
Marignana Arte, Venice, Italy
TRAUMA. Forays into contemporary art
28 March-30 July 2019
Cortesi Gallery, Milano, Italy
Zagreb Calling. Ivan Picelj, Vjenceslav Richter, and Julije Knifer
under the patronage of Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb
in collaboration with Ivan Picelj Archive and Richter Collection, Zagreb, Croatia
9 February-20 April 2019
Marignana Arte, Venice, Italy
STANZE. Bianco Valente and Donatella Spaziani, Mats Bergquist and Marco Maria Zanin, Quayola and Serena Fineschi
co-curated with Maria Savarese
22 September 2018-24 April 2019
Marignana Arte, Venice, Italy
NANCY GENN. Living painting
22 September 2018-12 January 2019
Marignana Arte, Venice, Italy
May 23-September 8, 2018
Marignana Arte, Venice, Italy
WWW. What walls whant
May 23-September 8, 2018
Marignana Arte, Venice, Italy
Alessandro Diaz de Santillana project room
April 7-May 8, 2018
Marignana Arte, Venice, Italy
Mats Bergquist project room
February 17-May 8, 2018
Marignana Arte, Venice, Italy
E-merging Nature
Co-curated with Federica Patti
November 10-December 31 2018
Marignana Arte, Venice, Italy
Giardini Cosmici. Maurizio Donzelli and Aldo Grazzi project room
October, 13-16 2017
ArtVerona 2017, i8-Spazi Indipendenti Italiani, Verona, Italy
Let’s go MORE!. Projects from MoRE Museum
Co-curated with Elisabetta Modena, Marco Scotti, Valentina Rossi, Anna Zinelli
October 13-16, 2017
ArtVerona 2017, Main Section, Verona, Italy
THINKING WITH HANDS, THOUGHTS AS IMAGINES. Curatorial project for Marignana Arte
September, 23-December 2017
Marignana Arte, Venice, Italy
Between us. Laura Renna project room
Curated by Ilaria Bignotti
September, 23-December 2017
Marignana Arte, Venice, Italy
THE STRUGGLE FOR RAW. Verònica Vàzquez
Curated by Ilaria Bignotti
May, 26-July, 13, 2017
Roberto Bertoli Architetto Project Room, Brescia, Italy
Francesco Arecco
Curated by Ilaria Bignotti, Roberto Bertoli, and Federica Zubani
May, 10-September, 2017
Marignana Arte, Venice, Italy
A two-stage project by Marignana Arte for an analysis of the relationships between work, environment and the onlooker.
CURATOR: Clarissa Tempestini, 11th February – 29 th April 2017 CHAPTER II
CURATOR: Ilaria Bignotti, May – September 2017
February, 2-12, 2017
Patricia Low Contemporary, Gstaad, in collaboration with Cortesi Gallery, Lugano-London
Vision and Engagement in Post-War International Art of the 60s and 70s.
Text by Ilaria Bignotti
September 21-November 3, 2016
Cortesi Gallery, London
CHECKMATE. Games of International Art from the Sixties to now
Curated by Ilaria Bignotti
September 14 – October 22, 2016
Cortesi Gallery, Lugano
The Concrete Utopia: Ivan Picelj and New Tendencies 1961–1973
Curated by Ilaria Bignotti
under the patronage of / con il patrocinio di Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb
September 8-October 22, 2016
Leila Heller Gallery, New York
Francesca Pasquali. Plastic Resonance
curated by Leila Heller Gallery, with text by Ilaria Conti, under the scientific coordination of Francesca Pasquali Archive
June 28-September 17, 2016
Tornabuoni Art, London
Francesca Pasquali_metamorphoses…and yet it moves!
with texts by I. Bignotti, F. Ustek, M. Petry, and M. Williams, under the scientific coordination by Francesca Pasquali Archive
June 10-25, 2016
Adiacenze, Bologna
Laura Renna, QUE RESTE-T-IL
critical text by Ilaria Bignotti
May 26 – July 22, 2016
Cortesi Gallery, London
The Concrete Utopia: Ivan Picelj and New Tendencies 1961–1973
Curated by Ilaria Bignotti
under the patronage of / con il patrocinio di Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb
May 26-July 1, 2016
San Fedele Gallery (Milano)
Co-curator of the exhibition Esodo, with A. Dall’Asta SJ, D. Astrologo Abadal, and others
December 11, 2015 – January 16, 2016
San Fedele Gallery (Milano)
Co-curator of the exhibition Conflitti, with A. Dall’Asta SJ, D. Astrologo Abadal, and others
October 22 – December 22, 2015
Tornabuoni Art (Paris)
Paolo Scheggi, curated by Luca Massimo Barbero
Bibliographical notes, artistic historical and iconographic research in the exhibition catalog are curated by I. Bignotti
October 7 – December 7, 2015
Cortesi Gallery, Lugano (Switzerland)
Exhibition: Black. An idea of light
Curated with Paola Formenti Tavazzani
September 18 – November 19, 2015
Tornabuoni Arte Contemporanea (Firenze)
Co-curator of the exhibition Francesca Pasquali Plastic Shapes with
Gino Pisapia
September 15, 2015
San Fedele Gallery (Milano)
Premio Arti Visive San Fedele 2014-2015
curated with A. Dall’Asta, M. Galbiati, M. Marchetti, K. McManus, M. Tavola
September 10 – October 1, 2015
Cortesi Gallery, Lugano (Switzerland)
curated by I. Bignotti
June 14 – October 30, 2015
Fondazione La Verde La Malfa (Catania)
Curator of the exhibition Tessiture Contemporanee
June 6 – july 30, 2015
IAGA International Art Gallery Angels (Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
Exhibition: Otherwise the loneliness
Curated with Walter Bonomi
March 7 – May 7, 2015
E3 Arte Contemporanea (Brescia)
Exhibition: Gianfranco Zappettini. Opere anni ’70
curated by I. Bignotti and A. Rigoni
February 7 – march 15, 2015
IAGA International Art Gallery Angels (Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
Exhibition: Cluj Calling Project
Co-curator With Walter Bonomi
December 13, 2014 – January 17, 2015
IAGA International Art Gallery Angels (Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
Exhibition: Vincenzo Marsiglia. Interaction Shapes
Co-curator with Walter Bonomi
November 7, 2014 – April 17, 2015
Spazio Perlartecontemporanea, Lugano (Switzerland)
Co-curator of the exhibition: Alberto Gianfreda. Sculpture_Détour
with P. Formenti Tavazzani
October, 9 -13 2014
ArtVerona Fair 2014, Independents section
Curator of the selected project Resilienza italiana. Dove siamo e dove vogliamo essere
October 13 – November 2014
Robilant+Voena Gallery, London
Scientific collaboration and bio-bliographical texts for the exhibition: Paolo Scheggi, edited by F. Pola
October 4 – December 6, 2014
E3 Arte Contemporanea (Brescia)
Exhibition: Matteo Gironi. The emerging
curated by I. Bignotti
September 13-October 31, 2014
IAGA, International Art Gallery Angels and Casa Matej Corvin Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
Curator of exhibition: Francesco Arecco and Marco La Rosa. Gravity of Variations
August 24 – September 28 2014
Foundation Leonesia Arte, Puegnago del Garda (Brescia)
Curator of the exhibition: Roberta Susy Rambotti. Embrace me
August, 21-September, 10 2014
IAGA, International Art Gallery Angels and Casa Matej Corvin Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
Co-curator of the exhibition: SEMN (DI) SEGNI. Ioan Sbarciu and European Art Masters
With W. Bonomi
May 30 – July 30, 2014
IAGA International Art Gallery Angels (Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
Exhibition: Italian Wave
Curated by I. Bignotti
April, 3, End of May 2014
Cortesi Contemporary Gallery, Lugano (Switzerland)
Scientific research and essay in catalog Paolo Scheggi Lucy Skaer
Curated by E. Fabbris
March, 21- June, 11 2014
Spazio GIVA, Milano
Curator of the exhibition: Resilienza italiana. Punti di partenza [Resilienza italiana. Starting points]
February, 8 – March, 20 2014
Colossi Arte Contemporanea Gallery, Brescia
Curator of the exhibition: Giorgio Tentolini. La profondità dell’immagine [Giorgio Tentolini. The depth of the image]
December, 6 2013 – January, 11 2014
San Fedele Gallery, Milano
Curator of the exhibition: Riflessioni sul corpo e il sacro [Thoughts about the body and the sacrum]
With A. Dall’Asta SJ, D. Astrologo Abadal, M. Galbiati, C. Gatti, K. McManus
May, 22 – July, 5 2013
San Fedele Gallery, Milano
Co-curator of exhibition of the San Fedele Visual Arts Prize for Young Artist 2012-2013: E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle. L’APPRODO
May, 13 2013
Orestiadi Foundation, Baglio Di Stefano, Gibellina (Trapani)
Curator of permanent site-specific installation by the artist Francesco Arecco “Arca” and critical essay in the catalog: Francesco Arecco. Arca e Nascondimento
February, 13 – March, 9 2013
San Fedele Gallery, Milano
Co-curator of the exhibition: Alle soglie dell’Apocalisse [On the threshold of Apocalypse]
With A. Dall’Asta SJ, D. Astrologo, I. Bignotti and M. Galbiati
June, 12 – July, 13 2012
Studio Akka, Contemporary Art Gallery, Milano
Curator of the exhibition and critical essay in the catalog: Inkyung Noh.Confessione arrogante [Inkyung Noh. Arrogant confession]
May, 30 – June, 30 2012
Studio Vanna Casati, Contemporary Art Gallery, Bergamo
Co-curator of the exhibition: Mario Scudeletti
With E. Marisaldi
May, 23 – July, 6 2012
San Fedele Gallery, Milano
Co-curator of exhibition: E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle. IL VIAGGIO
With: A. Dall’Asta, D. Astrologo, C. Canali, M. Galbiati, C. Gatti, M. Marchetti, K. McManus, M. Tavola
May, 11 – June, 12 2012
Wavephotogallery, Brescia
Curator of exhibition: Susanna Pozzoli. Passato Prossimo
April, 13 – October, 28 2012
Raccolta Lercaro, Bologna
Co-curator of exhibition: Con gli occhi alle stelle. Giovani Artisti si confrontano col sacro [With eyes to the stars. Young Artists are confronted with the sacred]
With A. Dall’Asta, M. Galbiati, M. Marchetti
March, 17 – April, 11 2012
Associazione Artisti Bresciani AAB, Brescia
Curator of exhibition: I giovani artisti e il disegno” [The young artist’s and the drawing]
March, 3 – May, 25 2012
Colossi Arte Contemporanea Gallery, Brescia
Curator of the exhibition: FRANCESCA PASQUALI. A me gli occhi [FRANCESCA PASQUALI. Eyes on me]
February, 24 – March, 11 2012
Toniolo Foundation – Spazio Arte Pisanello, Verona
Curator of exhibition: NADIA GALBIATI. Estetica dell’angolo [NADIA GALBIATI. The aesthetics of the angle]
February, 18 – March, 17 2012
Studio Vanna Casati, Contemporary Art Gallery, Bergamo
Curator of exhibition: ANTONIO PIGA. A mia immagine [ANTONIO PIGA. In my image]
January, 14 –February, 18 2011
San Fedele Gallery, Milan
Co-curator of exhibition: Luoghi del sacro [Spaces of Sacrum]
With A. Dall’Asta S.I., M. Galbiati, C. Gatti, K. Mc Manus and M. Marchetti
17 September-16 October 2011
San Remigio Monastery, Parodi Ligure (Alessandria)
Co-curator of exhibition: E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle. Dove sono?
With M. Galbiati
May, 26 –July, 2 2011
San Fedele Gallery, Milano
Co-curator of exhibition: E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle. Dove sono?
With A. Dall’Asta, D. Astrologo, C. Canali, M. Galbiati, C. Gatti, M. Marchetti, K. McManus, M. Tavola
May, 5 – June, 18 2011
Barbara Frigerio Contemporary Art Gallery, Milano
Curator of exhibition: Corpi esposti. Estetiche e anestesie dell’arte contemporanea [Bodies exposed. Aesthetic and anesthetics of Contemporary Art]
April, 7-10 2011
Spazio Eventiquattro, Palazzo Sole 24Ore, Milano
Co-curator of the Art Fair: “Arte Accessibile Milano”
With F. Baboni, C. Canali, M. Cavallarin, F. D’Amico, M. Galbiati, I. Quaroni, A. Redaelli, S. Taddei, I. Zanti
February, 4 – March, 31 2011
Colossi Arte Contemporanea Gallery, Brescia
Curator of exhibition: Pino Pinelli. A partire dal colore” [Pino Pinelli. Starting from color]
October, 28 – November, 27 2010
Barbara Frigerio Contemporary Art Gallery, Milano
Curator of the exhibition: CLAUDIA SCARSELLA. Desire: a life sentence
September, 25 – December, 18 2010
Colossi Arte Contemporanea Gallery, Brescia
Co-curator of exhibition: GILLO DORFLES
With E. Modena
September, 14-30 2010
Mudima Foundation, Milano
Curator of performance and critical essay in the catalog: MUDRAS. Paolo Djago. Cerimoniale del gesto” [MUDRAS. Paolo Djago. Ritual of the gesture] for the exhibition Alfredo Rapetti. Segni sonori [Alfredo Rapetti. Sound’s Signs], curated by G. Ranzi
March, 20 – May, 17 2010
Colossi Arte Contemporanea Gallery, Brescia
Curator of exhibition: Agostino Ferrari. SEGNO + COLORE = PITTURA [Agostino Ferrari. SIGN + COLOR = PAINTING]
January, 23 – April, 7 2010
Colossi Arte Contemporanea Gallery, Brescia
Curator of exhibition: Mimmo Rotella. Prima del décollage [Mimmo Rotella. Before the décollage]
October, 17 – November, 13 2009
ARTESILVA Contemporary Art Gallery, Seregno (Milano)
Curator of exhibition: Alfredo Rapetti. Primo Alfabeto [Alfredo Rapetti. First Alphabet]
October, 21 – November, 21 2009
Curator of exhibition: Rebecca Forster. Opere recenti [Rebecca Forster. Recent Works]
October, 24 2010- January, 10 2011
Colossi Arte Contemporanea Gallery, Brescia
Curator of exhibition: Alberto Biasi. Dall’arte programmata al caos [Alberto Biasi. From programmed art to the caos]
May, 27 – July, 10 2009
San Fedele Gallery, Milano
Co-curator of the exhibition: L’uomo e il suo destino [The man and his destiny]
With A. Dall’Asta, D. Astrologo, C. Canali, M. Galbiati, C. Gatti, M. Marchetti, K. McManus, M. Tavola
February, 9 – March, 15 2009
April, 4 – May, 25 2009
Peccolo Gallery, Livorno, Arte e Arte Gallery, Bologna
Co-curator of the exhibition: GIANNI RUFFI. Il mare [GIANNI RUFFI. The sea]
With B. Corà
January, 17- March, 10 2009
Colossi Arte Contemporanea Gallery, Brescia
Curator of exhibition: Tino Stefanoni. Ironia, poesia così sia
September, 5 – October 2008
Chair and the Maiden Gallery, NYC (USA)
Curator of exhibition: Introducing. ART LIVE
June, 15- July, 27 2008
Spazio Contemporaneo, Moncalvo (Asti)
Curator of the exhibition: Giosetta Fioroni. Sogno italiano [Giosetta Fioroni. Italian Dream]
November, 10 2007 – February, 10 2008
SBAC- Studio Brescia Contemporary Art, Brescia
Curator of exhibition: Ugo Carrega. La mente in mano [Ugo Carrega. The mind in the hands]
September, 29-November, 27 2007
Colossi Arte Contemporanea Gallery, Brescia
Curator of the exhibition: Strappi alla regola. Jacques Villegle, Raymond Hains, François Dufrêne, Mimmo Rotella, Daniel Spoerri
May, 5 – June, 7 2007
Colossi Arte Contemporanea Gallery, Brescia
Curator of exhibition: SOGNI REALIZZATI. Dai progetti di Christo e Jeanne Claude alle immagini di Wolfgang Volz [Realized Dreams. From the projects of Christo and Jeanne Claude to the images of Wolfgang Volz]
January, 20 – March, 8 2007
Colossi Arte Contemporanea Gallery, Brescia
Curator of exhibition: Paolo Scheggi. La profondità della superficie” [Paolo Scheggi. The depth of the surface]
23 September-15 November 2006
Colossi Arte Contemporanea Gallery, Brescia
Curator of the exhibition: Pino Pascali. Genio ribelle tra libertà e committenza [Pino Pascali. Rebel genius between freedom and commission]
January, 14 – February, 28 2006
Colossi Arte Contemporanea Gallery, Brescia
Curator of exhibition: Gianni Bertini, le immagini del tempo [Gianni Bertini. The images of the time]